Visit to “Korea Science Academy” Тема: International Дата: 12.12.07
The team of Moscow Chemical Lyceum visited unique school for the science gifted students “Korea Science Academy” (Busan, Republic of Korea) on December 1-12. During the visit Russian and Korean students were working together on the five international science projects under the guidance of Russian and Korean researchers. In addition, a rich educational and cultural program was provided by hosting school.Participants: Karakulina Olesya (10 grade) Kozlov Mikhail (10 grade) Matusso Karolina (11 grade) Mikhaylov Andrey (11 grade) Parkhomchuk Angelina (10 grade) Vorontsov Alexander (10 grade) Zemtsov Artem (11 grade)
Semenov Sergey E. (Principal) Prof. Ioffe Sema L. (Vice-principal on science) Dr. Levin Vitaliy V. (Researcher at N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry) Sukhorukov Alexey Yu. (Researcher at N.D. Zelinsky IOC) Kondakov N.N. (Researcher at N.D. Zelinsky IOC) Tabolin Andrey A. (Researcher at N.D. Zelinsky IOC) Karavanova Yulia A. (Researcher at N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry) Ivashkin Pavel E. (Researcher at N.D. Zelinsky IOC)