Сообщество выпускников Московского Химического Лицея (1303)
December 21, 2024 07:16 Russia TZ 2 Standard Time
Moscow Chemical Lyceum
5th JSSF
Тема: International Дата: 8.11.15
"5th Japan Super Science Fair" successfully finished at Ritsumeikan Junior & Senior High School , Kyoto, Japan (01 - 06 November 2015).Lyceum participants and research project presentations' titles:Polina Iakovleva "Geometrical problems' automatic plotting" Igor' Pisanko "Synergy" of N-, P-containing ligands and Si- (or Ge-)sesquioxanes as a way to the family of cage-like metal clusters Alexandr Rudenko "Interaction of the unsaturated sulfones with azinium yildes" Team leader — Yuriy N.Kotovschikov
Эта новость взята с сайта Moscow Chemical Lyceum.49
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