From 19th to 22nd of November 2011, MCL team has successfuly participated in the "17th Annual International Competition for Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Computer Science" (CMS, Lucknow, India, 19-22 of November)
MCL team:
Dmitry Matusso,
Andrey Batasov,
Danila Doronin
Team leader — Anton Izosimov
Results of participation:
Andrey Batasov & Danila Doronin — 1st prize in Aqua Challenge (Race A)
Andrey Batasov & Danila Doronin — 3rd prize in Aqua Challenge (Race B)
Dmitry Matusso & Andrey Batasov — honourable mention in Insight
MCL team — Second runners-up
Andrey Batasov — most creative participant
Danila Doronin — most creative participant
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